このたび、私たちのプロダクト「Lei light reflection」が、国際的な照明デザインアワードである「LIT Lighting Design Awards 2024」において、「Honorable Mentions」を受賞しました。
「LIT Lighting Design Awards」は、照明デザインおよび照明製品の分野における革新性と美しさを称える名誉あるアワードです。世界中の優れたデザインが集う中で、私たちの作品が評価を受けたことを大変光栄に思います。
LIT Lighting Design Awardsについて
「LIT Lighting Design Awards」は、照明デザインおよび照明製品の分野で革新性と美しさを称える国際的なアワードです。スイスに拠点を置く3Cグループによって運営され、世界中のデザイナーや企業が参加する名誉あるプラットフォームとして知られています。
「LIT Lighting Design Awards」は、照明デザインの分野における優れた才能を発見し、彼らの功績を広く世界に発信する場となっています。受賞者には、その作品が国際的に認められるとともに、照明業界やデザイン業界においての評価や注目を集める機会が提供されます。
“Lei light reflection” Wins SIT Furniture Design Award
Our product, “Lei light reflection,” has been awarded “Honorable Mentions” in the internationally renowned lighting design competition, the LIT Lighting Design Awards 2024.
The LIT Lighting Design Awards is a prestigious accolade celebrating innovation and aesthetics in lighting design and lighting products. It is a great honor for our work to be recognized among outstanding designs from around the world.
This product is characterized by its unique design, which seamlessly blends light and fragrance. Being recognized for its concept and meticulous attention to detail motivates us to continue creating captivating products in the future.
About the LIT Lighting Design Awards
The LIT Lighting Design Awards is an international competition celebrating innovation and beauty in the field of lighting design and lighting products. Operated by the Switzerland-based 3C Group, it is known as a distinguished platform where designers and companies from around the globe participate.
The awards feature a wide range of categories, including architectural lighting, entertainment lighting, environmental lighting, and lighting product design. Entries are judged rigorously by globally acclaimed lighting designers and experts, based on creativity, technical innovation, and sustainability.
The LIT Lighting Design Awards aim to uncover exceptional talent in the field of lighting design and provide a platform to showcase their achievements to the world. Recipients not only gain international recognition but also attract attention and acclaim within the lighting and design industries.